It was so rainy this week. Monday – Wednesday they didn’t work at all because it was raining basically the whole time. The big creek that borders our property flooded out onto the road and… [Continue Reading]
House Build Week 7-9
The last few weeks, the building project has been “on break”. Our basement has just been sitting there, waiting for the next step. Which was getting the floor trusses ordered. They should be delivered sometime next… [Continue Reading]
House Build Week 6
It is well. It was a VERY rainy, slow week on the house building front. My husband has been crazy busy at work, plus I was busy prepping for our daughter’s 3rd birthday party on… [Continue Reading]
House Build Week 4
Another week down on the house build. Here’s what happened this week. Day 21 (Monday, 04/30/18): They started to backfill today, working mostly in the area in front of the house. First, they brought in… [Continue Reading]
Ground Breaking
Well, my friends. It finally happened. We broke ground last week on our new farmhouse, and I’ve been in a state of surreal excitement since then. Here’s a quick breakdown of the building process so… [Continue Reading]
Spring Snowstorm
Spring is here, but Mother Nature didn’t get the memo. The first two days of spring brought about a foot of snow to our neck of the woods. We barely had any other significant snowfall… [Continue Reading]