Spring is here, but Mother Nature didn’t get the memo.ย The first two days of spring brought about a foot of snow to our neck of the woods.ย We barely had any other significant snowfall this winter, so it was a nice little surprise for me (a BIG lover of the white stuff).
While the snow tapered to a stop, my little family took a short ride around the farm.ย It was so beautiful all covered in snow, I had to share some pictures here.ย Let me take you on a little tour.
The photo above is of the field that sits directly behind our house lot (or beside it depending on how you think of it).ย When the house is built, this will be a bigย part of my view from the laundry/craft room, where I anticipate spending a good bit of time.ย A few yards into the tree line to the left, there is a fairly steep drop that runs into a lovely little creek, seen in the picture below.
Toward the back of the field, where the hill becomes less steep, there is a little windy path that borders the stream.
After crossing the stream, which you actually have to do in two places to get to this spot, there is another wider path that leads to another field – a place that we’ve dubbed “the meadow”.
The tree line above is the same one you saw in the first picture.ย Below is a panoramic view of part of the meadow.ย One day, you’ll see the back of our home through these trees.
The stream also runs along the edge of the meadow, behind the treeline on the left of the photo above.ย It’s such a peaceful, serene backdrop to the meadow.
The spot above is one of my favorites on the whole farm.ย A tree hangs out over the water and the bank is low here inviting you to step right into the water.ย Okay, maybe not when there is snow, but in the summer, it’s so inviting.
On the opposite side of the meadow stands my beloved woods, the tree line pictured below.ย The trees are thick here, covering several acres of land, and we have many paths running through them, one of which leads right up to the spot where our house will sit.
Backtracking, on the opposite side of the stream, there are four separateย field areas.ย The land here is so beautiful.ย Lovely sycamore trees provide a magnificent gateway from one field to another.
The stream runs along this field as well.ย Below is another of my favorite spots on the farm.
This stream actually runs into a larger creek that borders our property.
One of my very favorite trees on the farm is this beauty below.ย It’s a single sycamore, with a three-way split trunk.
Before we left, I snapped a picture of the spot our house will sit.ย It’s so crazy to think about that within a month, we will most likely be breaking ground.ย And within a year or so, this place will be home sweet home.
Hopefully, now that we’ve had that one special big snow, spring will show up soon and bring the green.ย It’s already starting to melt away.ย I snapped this shot only a few days later:
This will be our first spring to explore our farm and I can’t wait to see all new growth.ย Spring is bringing us a lot of new things all around, and it seems like a fitting time of year for starting new journeys.
Thanks for exploring with me today!
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