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Just a quick update to say that we are enjoying the snow storm that hit us here in PA over the last few days! We got about 16 inches of snow total and we’re having a blast playing in it! Evie’s all about the snow angels this year:

We saw some beautiful foxes playing in it, too (but no time to get a picture!)

Evie is in an alternate day kindergarten program (she goes every other day… ish), but her school is cancelled through Wednesday, so she gets 2 days off out of this storm! One of the days was a good old-fashioned snow day (with no work) and the second day will be a “virtual” snow day, with preassigned work to complete. Still, a very easy and fun week for her!

Chad and I love to drive around the farm on the UTV and see what other animals we can spot. It was pretty hard to see anything, though, while the snow was still falling so hard. It’s like your eyes are being stung by bees, and if you wear sunglasses to fix this problem they end up so fogged up/covered in snow that it’s still impossible to see anything. All of that sounds cold and unappealing, but it’s actually so much fun.

Yesterday it snowed so hard, it was practically a whiteout. Most of the time we couldn’t see even to the end of our lane or the whole way across the field:

So thankful for a cozy house to cuddle up inside on days like today! We’ve been keeping warm by the fire most of the time!

Even while enjoying all this snow, I’m still so excited for spring and my garden! Right now my garden is buried under the snow, but I keep working away at my garden plan, coming up with all the layouts for each bed.

I started a couple seeds (Cardinal Basil – the prettiest basil flowers!!) just a few days ago and they popped up today!

I’ve got them in a dome-lidded seed tray that I got from amazon (shown below). It’s been working really well to keep the soil warm and moist so far. I have them in my sunroom, near a floor heater vent which is keeping the soil between 65-75 depending on the day. So far that seems to be working out perfectly! The soil I used is actually coco coir pellets, which are super small until you add water and then they puff right up into this beautiful potting mix. I highly recommend both these items. The tray even has little round divots to put the pellets into so they don’t slide around!

I can’t wait to see how these grow, plus I’ll be starting a few other types of seeds over the next several weeks and I’m excited to see how that goes, too! This is my first year trying to start some of my own seeds inside so fingers crossed that I do everything right! I’ll keep you updated!
I hope wherever you’re at in the world, you’re enjoying some snow this winter. If you can’t enjoy it, I hope at least you’re having as much fun looking forward to spring as we are!

I’ll leave you with a video of another snow day we had back in December. We had about six inches, which made for some absolutely beautiful days (and some gorgeous mist rising from the stream!)
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