I’m a little obsessed with wall lights right now.ย As we’ve been working on our house plan, we’ve been making notes about where we’d like lighting in the new house, and I might be going just a tad bit overboard.ย The lighting in our current house isn’t super bright, which has always frustrated me a little.ย I constantly find, when I’m working on a project or cleaning, that it doesn’t seem like there’s enough light even though they are ALL ON!ย We have a lot of trees that surround ourย current house and it’s very shaded here, so there generally isn’t a lot of natural light either.ย Because of this, I’m probably just overcompensating byย attempting to put wall lights absolutely everywhere in our new home.
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The problem is, wall lights just look soooooย good.ย It’s hard not to want to stick one in every plausible place.
Bathroom mirrors?ย Sure, we need a few above those!
Garage doors?ย Light ’em up!
Overย EVERY built-in, bookcase, window seat, and opening shelving unit?ย Obviously a necessity.
Above doors and windows?ย Interior and exterior.ย Check and check.
Don’t forget beside all beds…ย Think of all that space we’ll free up by getting rid of bulky lamps.ย Wall lights to the rescue!
It’s a problem, you guys, because at this rate I’m going to have seventeen thousand wall lights in my new home and if that wiring job doesn’t accidentally send my husband into cardiac arrest, the electric bill just might.
Check out some of these awesome wall mount lights that I’ve found – all on Amazon, all for under $50!ย Let me know which ones are your favorite and where you would install them!
ONEย ย /ย ย TWOย ย /ย ย THREEย ย /ย ย FOURย ย /ย ย FIVEย ย /ย ย SIXย ย /ย ย SEVENย ย /ย ย EIGHTย ย /ย ย NINEย ย /ย ย TENย ย /ย ย ELEVENย ย /ย ย TWELVEย ย /ย ย THIRTEENย ย /ย ย FOURTEENย ย /ย ย FIFTEENย ย /ย ย SIXTEENย ย /ย ย SEVENTEENย ย /ย ย EIGHTEENย ย /ย ย NINETEENย ย /ย ย TWENTYย ย /ย ย TWENTY-ONE
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