True to the common saying “April showers bring May flowers” April is a very rainy month in our neck of the woods. In 2011, my husband and I got married on the 16th of April and it rained soooooย hard we could barely see five feet in front of us on our first ever drive home as a married couple.
Lately, our forecast has been showing a lot of rain, but we’ve been getting pretty lucky and having more dry days than wet, although a lot of dreary, dark, cloudy ones.ย In honor of the wet weather, Friday Finds this week is all about rainy day decor.ย Not only are these pieces beautiful, but they may also help make your wet days a little easier.ย Just click the products in the picture below to go straight to the product’s website.
(This post may contain affiliate links, which do not change or affect your price in any way.ย They simply allow me to potentially collect a small commission on any items you purchase through my links and help pay for blogย operating costs.ย Read myย full disclaimer here, and thank you for supporting Sycamore and Slate!)
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