Friday Finds is here again, and the theme is “all things green” in honor of spring FINALLY showing up.ย Everything is turning green here in PA and starting to look so pretty and brilliant again!ย For some reason, I never really think of green as one of my favoriteย colors until spring comes around again, but then I’m always so blown away by how gorgeous everything looks.ย I think over winter when it’s all brown and bare outside, I forget just how green everything actually gets!ย Spring has this habit of sneaking up on me and shouting, “SURPRISE!” and making me fall in love with it all over again every year.
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I hope some of these green things inspire you and help you celebrate spring,ย even if green isn’t a color you’d normally decorate with.
You can click on each of the individual products in the image below to view more information about it and find out where it can be purchased.ย Enjoy yourย Friday!
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